American Bully Dogs - AKA The Fellars

Several years ago we set out to raise and breed American Bullies.  We love the breed, and we are firm believers in proper training and understanding the characteristics of the breed you choose to own.  We showed several dogs, and eventually decided to retire and rehome 4 of the 6 show dogs we had raised practically since birth.  We found good homes for them, and we kept one male and one female...the two we were most attached to.  Fast forward 12 years into their lives, they have now become family - we've built a bond that is inseparable.  They have traveled to Puerto Rico with us, lived in RV's with's been quite the journey to say the least!

Shekinah is our female - her name means "the divine presence of God" - or some refer to it as the glory of God.  Her name was "Taboo" when we purchased her as a puppy, which means cursed.  What a shame - and not appropriate in any way!  Our first step was to rename her immediately, and so we chose the most glorious name we could!  We sometimes call her "Ninah" or "Niney" for short.

Canaan was our male - he came to us as an unnamed puppy, right at 7-8 weeks of age.  Canaan refers to the "promised land", biblically speaking, and we just love the name and thought behind it!  Canaan made it so close to the 13 year mark, but his little body gave out and he entered into rest on the Sabbath on 3/25/23.  We miss him more than anything - he was the sweetest boy ever, full of love and always begging for snacks.  He followed his momma everywhere, and he loved getting chin scratches from his dad.  He made our lives joyful, and we couldn't have asked for a better companion.  We all miss him, but we know we will see him again some day, and until then, we will cherish all of the good times and hold him close in our hearts.

Isla Verde, Puerto Rico 

We lived in Puerto Rico for about 3 months - here's a photo of them hanging out on the balcony that overlooked the ocean.

Homebase in Missouri

Nothing beats sleeping in your own bed.  It's even better when you have a buddy.

Canaan puppy Pic

Those ears!!  We cropped them for show, but oh how I wish they were still there!

Our Sweet Canaan

See you soon - we love you so much.  Until then, rest sweet boy, you deserve your rest.
7/4/2010 - 3/25/2023

Porch Hangout

We enjoy hanging out on the porch, and with Canaan gone, Ninah needs all the extra attention she can get.

Even though she's her dad's girl...she gets to hang out with her mom more now too.